Our Formula
On the basis of traditional methods, remedies and recipes we have been able to create a line of exceptional products. Wildly growing fruit, herbs and mushrooms need to be prepared in a special way, which makes it is possible to keep them after the season for their gathering has finished but at the same time to also retain all of their health benefits and flavors.

We dry our herbs and mushrooms in a way that ensures that they retain their flavors and health benefits. Preserves and syrups are pasteurized according to a 19th century method which allows the fruit they’re made of to keep their colors, tastes and health benefits. Honeys from our Białowieża hives remain untouched and are put directly into their jars. The mushrooms are pickled in spiced brines to bring out their full flavors.
Preparation of products in accordance with the idea of keeping natural things natural is a demanding and difficult process. The method which we use to prepare our preserves, based on care for the product, requires time, patience and a full commitment from our staff.
The first stage consists of selecting the raw fruit, herbs or mushrooms which we buy directly from Białowieża’s gatherers who collect them in accordance with their natural cycle of blooming and ripening. They allow the fruit and herbs to reach their full potential as well as achieve their full flavor and only then harvest them.
We respect these exceptional treasures from the forest so none of our products are treated with any chemicals or preservatives.
We make all efforts to make sure that our line of Matecznik – Tradition from Nature products from the cleanest region of Poland is exceptional, natural and of the highest quality.